Online and In PrintOn KindleThe Free Spirit, SiGiLPAL Productions, 2015 Available Online“Cato’s Ceterum Censeo on Ice” at Up, Up with Liberation “Truth Carved in Ice Melting/Truth Itself Melts ICE” artist’s residency live writing piece for “Truth Be Told DC,” Melted Away by LigoranoReese “Of Good Counsel” ebook at Locofo Chaps “This Signature Ignition” at Big Lucks “Type Bleeds Tentacles” mesostic poem with recording “Topology of Books Unread, Thoughts Revisited” “The Free Spirit Proposition” in FlashPoint 16 “Payload Dump” (3 excerpts from drone: poetic monologue for monotone) in Really System Issue 2: Sly Early Stem “pilot’s intentional flight into known thunder storms” in Fanzine Opening of “Phantom Apollo Velodrome” in Elective Affinities “stipplePAL” (my entry for Relegy digipo project created by Ken Jacobs) at Relegy v.0.0.1 5 “first bump” poems in No Tell Motel Journals“Cognitive Machine Learning” and Congressional Research Service Poems for the People 1 & 2 (excerpts from drone: poetic monologue for monotone) in Axon of Performance Literature Issue 9 Available in print or digital download “Bad Unicorn” in Shakemore: More is More “8 Phases of Staring into the Sun” Heliogabalus study in eccolinguistics 2.1 (pdf download) “Imagination and Performance” Essay based on the introduction to Idylls for a Bare Stage in Nerve Lantern: Axon of Performance Literature Issue 6 Available in print or digital download “Old Dad’s Head” in Encyclopedia Shakemorica Volume 1 “astringency,” “rends designs,” and “obliques/obloquies” (selections from The Re-echoes) in Aufgabe 11 “agitprops” and “as gathers ankh” (selections from The Re-echoes) and “Scarlet and Miniver” in Morpheme 1 “x marks postal fissure siphon” (from The Re-echoes) in Portable Boog Reader 4 (pdf download) “If Ever There Were a Reason to Fake One’s Own Birth” and “Slime Invasion of Fairyopolis” in Viviparous Blenny Volume One: Synchronicity “Intromit” and “DIY Heart Transplant Surgery for Insufferable Seniors” in The Shattered Wig Review #27 “My Silent Confidant” and “Vermifuge” in SUCCESS! one Chimera: I am my own twin (pdf download) Anthologies“La Folie” in My Cruel Invention Anthology “Farce Rorschach Illumination” in Poets Are Present Anthology Poem “Antaeus/Anchises” and Idyll “An Old Soldier Cleans his Rifle for the Last Time (vide Walt Whitman)” in the 11th edition of Pearson Longman’s English Anthology textbook Literature: an Introduction to Reading and Writing, edited by Edgar V. Roberts and Robert Zweig Poems “Radical Crumb” and “Empirical/Imperial Demonstration” in the 10th edition of Pearson Longman’s English Anthology textbook Literature: an Introduction to Reading and Writing, edited by Edgar V. Roberts and Robert Zweig “Way of Writing Crooked and Straight” (from Heraclitean Pride) in The i.e. Reader ChapbooksOf Good Counsel, locofo chaps imprint of Moria Books, 2017 eckClogs, Furniture Press Books, 2015 BooksThe Re-echoes, Furniture Press Books, 2012 Idylls for a Bare Stage, twentythreebooks, 2011 Heraclitean Pride, Furniture Press Books, 2010 Verb Sap, Narrow House, 2008 Little Puddles, Manya DeLeon Booksmith, 1993 Lost Links“Where is Lenin” in Esque 3: Revolutionesque Selections from Verb Sap in WORD at Schizotype Selections from Heraclitean Pride in Your Black Eye e-journal | ![]() |